How we calculate the "Score" for each bill we're tracking:
Bill Score =
total votes matching what voters want
total votes cast by the Representative on bills we are tracking
Where we get our data:, a community project that pulls legislative data from the Florida House and Senate websites.
Official data: We track and report the votes reported by the State of Florida. Displayed votes are the most recent data available from the House and Senate websites through Open States.
Changed votes: Legislators are entitled to change their votes after bills pass or fail. Those changes may or may not be published by the state.
No votes: A gray circle indicates that the legislator did not vote on the latest motion for that bill. They may have been absent or otherwise unable to vote.
"Voters Wanted" results are reported by the total, state-wide votes, until a district has at least 1,000 verified users in the Voatz app
Banning Operations and Leases with the Illegitimate Venezuelan Authoritarian Regime Act (HR 825)
This bill, also known as the BOLIVAR Act, aims to prohibit U.S. executive agencies from contracting with persons who have significant business operations with the Maduro regime in Venezuela, not recognized as legitimate by the U.S. Exceptions are made for contracts necessary for humanitarian aid, disaster relief, noncombatant evacuations, national security interests, and maintaining U.S. government facilities in Venezuela. Contracts are also exempt if the entity has a valid license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control or relates to U.S. diplomatic missions in Venezuela. The Secretary of State can waive these prohibitions if deemed in the national interest.