Registered U.S. Voters

YOU have the power to influence your legislators
— right on your phone —

Digital Democracy Project

Mobile Voting App & Online Accountability System


Photo of a woman voting on the app on her phone at her convenience while standing beside a street.
Vote on the same bills as
your representatives.
Get nonpartisan legislative
info and updates.

On the FREE
mobile voting app.


The Digital Democracy Project Tally page. A Florida Map with voting districts indicated in shades of purple and green showing how voters voted in each district.
See what voters want.
Each issue. Each district.
No parties or demographics.
Free to legislators, media
and the public.

Online, in real time.


Digital Democracy Project Scorecard. A chart comparing how voters and legislators voted on each bill. Thumbs up or thumbs down for yes or no. Text explains that this legislator voted the will of their constituents one in four times. Total score 25%.
Compare what voters want
to what legislators deliver.
A report on the Legislative Session.
Every legislator. Every issue.

Online, annually.

Nonpartisan. Secure. Easy.

You vote.
We keep track.
So you know the score.
A billboard with the words - This is what democracy looks like. Colorful letters. White background. And Digital Democracy Project .org website. Plus colorful connected dots from the logo map represent the nonpartisan digital connectivity of voters.

Digital Democracy Project

A voter-driven system of government for the 21st Century
"I always want to know what our voters are saying. This is another great tool for finding out."

— Rep. Anna Eskamani, District 42

"An app to say exactly what I want on each bill — Yes, please! But not just anybody can do it. I had to prove my identity — Good security!"

— Kathryn in Jacksonville, FL

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