Yes Voted Yes No Voted No NA Abstain or no vote

Bobby Powell




Bill State voted Represen­tative voted Account­ability
Disney - Reedy Creek HB 9B No NA NA
Emergency Response HB 1B Yes Yes Yes
Special Prosecutor HB 3B No No Yes
Transportation of Inspected Unauthorized Aliens HB 5B No No Yes
Intercollegiate Athletics Compensation and Rights HB 7B Yes NA NA
Public Safety / Permitless Carry HB 543 No No Yes
Tax Exemption for Diapers and Incontinence Products SB 114 Yes NA NA
Trafficking in Fentanyl SB 354 Yes NA NA
Resale of Tickets SB 388 Yes NA NA
Death Penalty Cases SB 450 No NA NA
Abortion HB 7 No No Yes
Florida Trail Network SB 106 Yes Yes Yes
Housing SB 102 No Yes No
Safety Standards for Amusement Rides SB 902 Yes Yes Yes
Breathalyzer HB 197 Yes NA NA
School Vouchers HB 1 No No Yes
Immigration SB 1718 No No Yes
Capital Sexual Battery HB 1297 Yes Yes Yes
Venomous Reptiles HB 1161 Yes Yes Yes
Driving on the Left HB 421 No NA NA
Middle and High School Start Times HB 733 Yes Yes Yes
Sales of Firearms and Ammunition SB 214 No No Yes
Civil Remedies SB 236 No No Yes
Public Employee Unions HB 1445 No No Yes
Postsecondary Educational Institutions HB 999 No NA NA
Prescription Drugs HB 1509 Yes Yes Yes
Government and Corporate Activism HB 3 No No Yes
Authorization of Restriction Concerning Dogs HB 941 Yes Yes Yes
State Park Campsite Reservations SB 76 Yes Yes Yes
Gender Clinical Interventions HB 1421 No No Yes
Dissolution of Marriage HB 1409 Yes No No
Interference with Sporting Events HB 319 Yes Yes Yes
Student Use of Social Media Platforms SB 52 Yes Yes Yes
Agreements of State Colleges with Foreign Entities SB 846 No Yes No
Withdrawal of Life-Prolonging Procedures SB 1098 Yes Yes Yes
Vacation Rentals SB 714 Yes No No
Operation of a Golf Cart SB 1290 Yes Yes Yes
Bathroom Requirements Based on Sex SB 1674 No No Yes
Elections SB 7050 No No Yes
Seagrass Restoration HB 1181 Yes Yes Yes
Solicitation of Minors HB 431 Yes Yes Yes
Homeowners' Associations HB 919 Yes Yes Yes
Public Records SB 1616 No No Yes
Flags HB 437 No Yes No
Police Funerals HB 535 Yes Yes Yes
School Zones HB 657 Yes Yes Yes
Condo Safety SB 154 Yes Yes Yes
Medical Conscience HB 1403 No No Yes
Residential Tenancies HB 1417 No No Yes
Education HB 1259 No No Yes
Technology Transparency HB 1547 Yes Yes Yes
Public Nuisances HB 269 Yes Yes Yes
Timeshare Valuation HB 451 Yes NA NA
Health Care Discrimination HB 1013 No NA NA
Year Round School SB 1564 Yes Yes Yes
Human Trafficking SB 7064 Yes Yes Yes
Auto Dealers HB 637 No Yes No
Battery by Strangulation SB 1334 Yes Yes Yes
Teacher Training and Conduct HB 1035 Yes Yes Yes
Advertisements for Legal Services HB 1205 Yes No No
Minimum Wages HB 917 No Yes No
Practice of Dentistry HB 503 Yes NA NA
History of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders HB 287 Yes NA NA
Taxation SB 7062 Yes Yes Yes
Developmental Disabilities HB 831 Yes NA NA
Age to Purchase Firearms HB 1543 No NA NA
Chief of Police HB 935 Yes Yes Yes
Child Restraints SB 1374 Yes NA NA
Opioid Antagonists HB 783 Yes Yes Yes
Support for Israel SR 8C Yes Yes Yes
Iran Sanctions HB 5C Yes Yes Yes
Disaster Relief HB 1C Yes Yes Yes
Family Empowerment Scholarship Program HB 3C No Yes No
Security Grants SB 6C Yes Yes Yes
Employment of Minors HB 49 No No Yes
Early Voting Sites SB 780 Yes NA NA
Protection of Medical Freedom SB 680 No NA NA
Taking of Bears HB 87 No No Yes
Protection of Historical Monuments HB 395 No NA NA
Termination of Pregnancies HB 111 Yes NA NA
Required Instruction in the History of African Americans SB 344 Yes NA NA
Expiration of the Mandatory Waiting Period for Firearms Purchases HB 17 No NA NA
Universal Free School Breakfast and Lunch Program HB 477 Yes NA NA
Workplace Heat Exposure Requirements HB 433 Yes No No
Election Board Composition SB 782 Yes NA NA
Civil Liability for the Wrongful Death of an Unborn Child HB 651 No NA NA
Gender Identity Employment Practices HB 599 No NA NA
Protecting the Right to an Abortion SB 1450 Yes NA NA
Access to Contraception SB 1446 Yes NA NA
Sheltering or Aiding Unmarried Minors SB 450 No NA NA
Antisemitism HB 187 Yes Yes Yes
Offenses Involving Children HB 305 Yes Yes Yes
Retention of Sexual Offense Evidence SB 764 Yes Yes Yes
Hot Car Death Prevention SB 554 Yes Yes Yes
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Political Advertising SB 850 Yes Yes Yes
Defamation SB 1086 Yes NA NA
Postsecondary Education Students HB 465 No NA NA
Emergency Refills of Insulin HB 201 Yes Yes Yes
Excusal from Jury Service SB 462 Yes Yes Yes
DNA Samples from Inmates SB 524 Yes NA NA
Swimming Lesson Voucher Program SB 544 Yes Yes Yes
Social Media Use for Minors HB 1 No No Yes
Online Access to Materials Harmful to Minors HB 3 Yes No No
Medical Negligence SB 248 Yes NA NA
International Drug Reference Pricing HB 1431 Yes NA NA
Autism Spectrum Disorder Training for Law Enforcement Officers SB 864 Yes Yes Yes
Everglades Protection Area SB 1364 No Yes No
Condominium and Cooperative Associations SB 1178 Yes Yes Yes
Guardianship HB 887 Yes NA NA
Florida Kratom Consumer Protection Act SB 842 Yes NA NA
Discharging a Firearm in Residential Areas SB 270 Yes NA NA
Prostitution and Related Acts SB 1590 No NA NA
Unauthorized Public Camping and Public Sleeping SB 1530 No No Yes
Display of Flags by Governmental Entities SB 1120 No NA NA
Tracking Devices and Applications SB 758 Yes Yes Yes
Mangrove Replanting and Restoration HB 1581 Yes NA NA
Complaints Against Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers HB 601 No Yes No
Elections HB 1035 Yes NA NA
Insurance Solutions Advisory Council HB 1205 Yes NA NA
Military Leave SB 818 Yes Yes Yes
Placement of Surrendered Newborn Infants SB 306 Yes NA NA
Live Performances SB 1206 Yes NA NA
Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative HB 1565 Yes Yes Yes
Harassment of Election Workers SB 562 Yes NA NA
Term Limits SB 438 Yes NA NA
Florida African American Heritage Preservation Network HB 1679 Yes NA NA
Home Health Care Services SB 1798 Yes Yes Yes
Transportation Services for Persons with Disabilities HB 1673 Yes NA NA
Food and Hemp Products SB 1698 Yes Yes Yes
Florida Seal of Fine Arts Program SB 694 Yes Yes Yes
Household Moving Services SB 304 Yes Yes Yes
Campaign Finance SB 1116 No No Yes
Offenses Involving Critical Infrastructure HB 275 Yes Yes Yes
Sovereign Immunity SB 1534 Yes Yes Yes
School Chaplains HB 931 No No Yes
Patriotic Organizations HB 1317 No Yes No
Purple Alert HB 937 Yes Yes Yes
Local Regulation of Nonconforming and Unsafe Structures SB 1526 No Yes No
Education HB 1285 No No Yes
Biological Sex HB 1639 No NA NA
History of Communism SB 1264 No No Yes
Affordable Housing HB 1239 Yes Yes Yes
Provision Of Homeowners' Association Rules and Covenants HB 59 Yes Yes Yes
Windstorm Coverage by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation HB 1213 Yes NA NA
Juvenile Justice HB 1425 Yes Yes Yes
Pregnancy and Parenting Resources Website HB 415 No No Yes
Energy Resources HB 1645 Yes No No
Government Accountability HB 735 Yes NA NA
Building Regulations HB 267 Yes Yes Yes
Restrictions on Firearms and Ammunition During Emergencies HB 1615 No NA NA
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation HB 1503 No Yes No
Public Works Projects HB 705 No No Yes

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